Restorative Relationship Conversations
A Process To Heal Your Relationship Conflict
When conflict happens between individuals, it's vital for the health of the relationship that it gets acknowledged and worked through in order to prevent the accumulation of toxic emotions and resentment. Relationship ruptures, unresolved fights or even small misunderstandings can create disconnection, distrust and the loss of emotional safety. Unfortunately, many people struggle with how to move forward in the face of conflict because they simply don't know how to manage it successfully. When individuals feel stuck and incapable of resolving interpersonal conflict on their own, it's important they get support from a trained professional.
What are Restorative Relationship Conversations?
Restorative Relationship Conversations are guided conversations that address interpersonal conflict and transform it into deeper connection and intimacy. The process offers a safe container for managing difficult conversations where individuals can move beyond the challenging dynamics that keep them feeling stuck. The power of the RRC model lies in the structure it provides, giving people practical guidelines and a clear framework to follow as they work together to find solutions.
RRC is different from traditional talk therapy in that it focuses on the application of the practical skills and techniques used to transform conflict into greater clarity and understanding. It is a process-oriented modality, which means it can produce radical shifts in a relatively short amount of time. Restorative Relationship Conversations can be used to address either short or long-term conflicts and the majority of clients report being shocked by how quickly they experience positive results.
Goals Of The Process
Address specific conflict(s) or problematic relationship dynamic(s).
Identify and acknowledge the impact of the conflict on individuals as well as the relationship.
Repair lingering relationship ruptures.
Remove the obstacles to relating in healthy and fulfilling ways.
Make collaborative agreements for moving forward and prevent similar issues in the future.
Who is this work for?
Restorative Relationship Conversations are for anyone struggling with interpersonal conflict who is ready to take an active role in the process of transforming their relationship challenges into greater connection and intimacy. The work is equally effective for intimate relationships, family members, small groups and even individuals wanting to work on their own. If you're tired of feeling powerless in the face of conflict and are ready to learn the skills and tools to handle it with grace and confidence, I invite you to give Restorative Relationship Conversations a try.
Are you curious but still not sure if it's right for you?
Send me a email and ask for a free consultation to see if it's a good fit. I'm always happy to have a conversation and answer any questions or concerns you may have!
This work is open and inclusive of people of all gender and sexual orientations and relationship structures/styles.